CBD Oil, A Hometown Product That Can Alleviate What Ails You. A Call In Show

While folks are working to legalize medical cannabis across the nation CBD oil (hemp oil) is already legal in every state and has many therapeutic benefits with negligible harmful side effects. The CBD store at 18th and Oak is a Kansas City based producer and dispensary of CBD oil. There is a wealth of research from across the planet that has proven the benefits of CBD oil and medical cannabis. You can get a start on your own research at – https://healthyhempoil.com/cannabidiol/

Today’s broadcast is a call in show with the folks from the CBD Store in Crossroads. Vincent Sanders, Brendan Hodgson and Dacia Kimber are in to talk with host Beth Pike about the benefits of CBD oil. They will have information on the science and much more. Call in and ask. 816-931-5534

Address: 400 E 18th St, Kansas City, MO 64108
Phone: (816) 474-7400
Hours: 11AM–7PM
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://thecbdstores.com/
Face Book: https://www.facebook.com/thecbdstores

Calendar for August 8th, 2016

Corey’s Network provides immediate services to families surviving homicide; such as advocacy, connection to community support, and other needs. They have two fundraisers in August. Bingo at Sinclairs will be Saturday August 13th from 8-11 PM at Sinclair’s Restaurant, 1402 State Route 7, Blue Springs, MO. There will be a 50/50 drawing with Bingo starting at 8 PM.
Then Corey’s Network and Chuck E Cheese are teaming up to raise funds to help families of murder victims bury their loved one. The next fundraiser is Thursday, August 25th from 3 to 9 pm at the Chuck E Cheese store, 18701 E 39th Street, Independence, MO. Corey’s Network will receive 15% of all food and game sales with the proceeds going to help bury victims of violence.
The Census Bureau has requested comments on its proposed residence rules for the next census, which include a plan to once again count incarcerated people as if they were residents of the facility where they happen to be located on Census Day, rather than at home. The deadline for written comments regarding the proposed rules can be emailed by September 1 to Karen Humes, Chief, Population Division at [email protected]
The Black Archives of Mid America and 1 Struggle KC invites you to Come and learn legal ways to interact with and/or film the police while protecting your rights. Their guest speaker is Mustafa Abdullah, Lead Organizer at the ACLU of Missouri where he works to protect the civil liberties of all Americans through advocacy, organizing, and public education. This event will be Tuesday, August 30th, 6:00pm-8:00pm at the Black Archives, 1722 E. 17th Terrace, KCMO. Please reserve your spot at http://blackarchives.org/ and click on the events tab at the top of the page.

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