Antiwar Radio/Talk Nation Radio

This week on World Possibilities, we present both a feature from Antiwar Radio on Seymour Hersh and his journey to My Lai, 47 years after he broke the massacre story, and Brian Terrell reports from Talk Nation Radio about  the growth of the anti-drone-war movement. Terrell discusses a recent major protest of drone murders at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada and the state of the anti-drone-war movement. Brian is a co-coordinator for Voices for Creative Non-Violence, and event coordinator for the Nevada Desert Experience. He lives on a Catholic Worker farm in Maloy, Iowa. From this farm, Brian travels, speaking and acting with various communities working for peace. Two years ago he was serving a six month prison sentence for protesting drone killing from Whiteman Air force Base in Missouri, and this past month he returned from a visit to Kabul, Afghanistan.


Host: David Swanson
Producer: David Swanson
Music by Duke Ellington

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