Conscience and Dissent: Values in Media

Independent journalism has been the site to locate incisive analysis and perspectives typically passed over by the hegemony established by mainstream, corporate media. Speaking truth to power is a phrase often spoken, and arguably, a central tenet to independent journalism, and community produced media. A network of community media outlets gathered to assess and collaborate for The Media Consortium conference that took place in Washington DC to discuss the role independent media plays in todays contentious media landscape.


Ricardo Sandoval Palos, Managing Editor of 100 Reporters
Dr. Amara Enyia, 2016-2018 Global Leadership Fellow with the Global Strategists Association
Joseph Torres, Senior External Affairs Director for Free Press
Michelle Garcia, Journalist


Producers: Lisa Rudman, R.J. Lozada, Anita Johnson, Marie Choi, Monica Lopez
Executive Director: Lisa Rudman
Audience Engagement Director: Sabine Blaizin
Development Associate: Vera Thykulsker
Special Thanks to the panelists,The Media Consortium, Jo Ellen Kaiser, Manolia Charlotin, Paul Stewart  

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