Daniel Berrigan

Daniel Berrigan was Born on May 9th 1921 and died on April 30th 2016 at the age of 94. He was ordained as a Jesuit Priest in 1952.

Daniel Berrigan s personal beliefs were driven by the sections of the Bible that advocated for peace and equality.. Blessed ARE THE PEACEMAKERS and The Last shall be First, and the First Last were probably the 2 passages that most guided his life as Priest, an activist, a poet and a Man.

By the early sixties he participated in the Freedom Rides and civil rights marches in the South. But it was his trip to Paris while on Sabbatical in 1963 that cemented his commitment to activism. In Paris he dialogued with other priests about the unjust social and political conditions in Indochina imposed by occupying nations. When Daniel came home he formed with his brother Phillip the Catholic Peace Fellowship, a group which organized protests against in the war in Vietnam.

Daniel Berrigan s personal beliefs were driven by the sections of the Bible that advocated for peace and equality.. Blessed ARE THE PEACEMAKERS and the last shall be first, and the first last. Were probably the 2 guiding passages from which he led his life as Priest, an activist, a poet and a Man.

Berrigan, whose 50 books of poetry, essays and Scripture commentaries, as well as his play, The Trial of the Catonsville Nine, are as important a contribution as his activism that drove his religious superiors nuts. Former Director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover., was so desperate to put an end to Daniel Berrigan s activism, fabricated a charge against Daniel and his brother Phillip for trying to blow up tunnels under federal buildings in Washington DC.

in his book No Bars to Manhood. He wrote:
There is no peace because there are no peacemakers. There are no makers of peace because the making of peace is at least as costly as the making of war “at least as exigent, at least as disruptive, at least as liable to bring disgrace and prison and death in its wake.

We honor the life s work of Daniel Berrigan by presenting a few recordings that exemplified his commitment to Peace Equality and Justice. First from 1970, While Daniel Berrigan was on the lam from J. Edgar Hoover s FBI for his participation in burning draft cards. This serman was called To Live OUTSIDE The Law You Must Be Honest and was recorded in Philadelphia Pennsylvania.

You are listening to a 1970 Underground sermon by Father Daniel Berrigan, while on the FBI s most wanted list for burning draft registration cards.

For a copy of this program go to FromTheVaultRadio.org, or to find out more about our collection of over 55,000 recordings call us at 800-735-0230.

We continue with our program by presenting a talk he gave at Stanford University on May 5th 1972 talking about the Anti War Movement, his commitment to Peace and some of the biggest obstacles to Peace.

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