Days Against Violence Against Women

November 25-December 10 is recognized worldwide as the 16 Days Against Violence Against Women. But dedicated women work all year long behind the scenes for societal change and accountability. This program from Canada covers carefully built successes, from changing coverage of the 1989 Montreal Massacre to influencing official reports, journalism and police practices.


News report by Laura Yaros and Beth Blackmore of Radio Centreville’s Matrix Collective; interview with Montreal Gazette reporter Mary Lamie. Voices from roundtable: Hilla Kerner, Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter; Rosa Elena Arteaga, manager of Direct Services & Programs, Battered Women’s Support Services; Darla Goodwin, Coordinator of Aboriginal Women’s Services at Women Against Violence Against Women; Laura Robinson, journalist and athlete; Asia Czapska, advocate and co-director, Justice for Girls; unidentified; Shanie Roy, student activist, feminist, and anarchist from Montreal.


News segment produced by Laura Yaros and Beth Blackmore, for WINGS (1989); audio from December 1, 2012, recorded and edited by Frieda Werden. 

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