Debating Intelligent Design, Advice from the Spirit World, and More

Here’s what to expect from this week’s edition of Interfaith Voices:

God and Science: Will They Blend?

About one third of Americans believe in intelligent design, according to a recent Gallup poll. That’s the idea that humans evolved over time from lesser life forms – with the process guided by God. It’s added a new dimension to the old debate over where humans come from and raised serious concern in the scientific world about mixing faith with science.

Spirits Who Changed History: Leaders and Their Unseen Guides

From Joan of Arc to Heinrich Himmler, Moses to Muhammad, change-makers of all stripes have heard voices. Some have attributed the voices to God – others to spirits, ghosts or the dead. Whether you believe them or not, this much is true: many of the people who shape our world claim to have done so on the advice of spirits.

Featured speakers/guests:

Stephen C. Meyer, author of Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design

Michael Ruse,
Director of the History and Philosophy of Science Program at Florida State University

Herbie Brennan, author of Whisperers: The Secret History of the Spirit World



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