Emanuel Swedenborg’s CIRCLE of LOVE

Emanuel Swedenborg (b. January 29, 1688; died March 29, 1772) was the Swedish mystic-scientist who discovered the localization of brain functions, posited the nebular theory for intergalactic space, and through his eroto-religious visions, influenced William Blake in England, the Decadent movement in Europe, and the Transcendentalists in America.

Circle of Love: The Soul‐Journey of Emanuel Swedenborg

“Taller than the others this man walked among them, at a distance, now and then calling the angels by their secret names. He would see that which earthly eyes do not see: The fierce geometry, the crystal labyrinth of God and the sordid milling of infernal delights.” ‐-JL Borges

Heavenly Arcana: Swedenborg’s Tour of the Planets

Guest host Emanuel Swedenborg is our spirit-guide to other worlds, other flesh.

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