Jodi Jacobson on Hobby Lobby, Kate Sheppard on Oil Spills

This week on CounterSpin: The Supreme Court hears the Hobby Lobby case, which is about women’s health, reproductive rights and claims of religious freedom. Jodi Jacobson of RH Reality Check says it’s all that and more: one more front in the right’s battle against the Affordable Care Act. She’ll join us to explain.

slide_342528_3543817_freeAlso on the show: 25 years after the Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaska’s Prince William Sound, the Sound is still not fully recovered and spills are still in the news: The latest are in Galveston Bay and Lake Michigan. What does this say about the state of regulation? We’ll talk to Huffington Post environmental reporter Kate Sheppard.


RH Reality Check

–“25 Years After Exxon Valdez Spill, Environmental Advocates Say Oil Laws Outdated,” by Kate Sheppard (Huffington Post3/24/14)

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