Karen Hobert Flynn on Census & Citizenship, Jeff Cohen on Cable News

This week on CounterSpin: The administration that has announced and acted on its intention to root out, harass and deport black and brown non-citizens wants to add the question “Are you a US citizen?” to the census. The list of problems with that is long. We’ll discuss some key ones with democracy reform activist Karen Hobert Flynn, president of Common Cause.

Also on the show: As the US government ramped up for war in the wake of September 11, 2001, TV screens were filled with what seemed a parade of generals. Military men became the sources of first resort, over and indeed against regional experts, historians and peace advocates. FAIR founder Jeff Cohen witnessed the parade firsthand, working in cable news. We caught up with him recently to discuss his current case of deja vu. We’ll talk about lessons unlearned with Jeff Cohen, associate professor of journalism and director of the Park Center for Independent Media at Ithaca College, and author of the book Cable News Confidential.

Plus Janine Jackson takes a look at recent press, including “What next in Africa?” and the Arabia Foundation.

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