Losing Her Child to Extremism, Preventing Radicalization

Losing a Child to Extremism

What happens when your child joins a radical Islamic group? Christianne Boudreau, coordinator of Mothers For Life discusses how her son was recruited to fight with ISIS in Syria, how she found out, and what she’s doing now to support families who have lost children to extremism.

Combatting Radicalization

An imam and a researcher share new ideas on how to combat– even reverse–  radicalization by groups like ISIS, using religious education and counter narratives. Featuring Mohamed Magid, imam at All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Center and Kurt Braddock, researcher of communication, terrorism and radicalization at Penn State University.

Click here to view the “Say No To Terror,” formerly “Terrorism Has No Religion,” video described in the interview.

Guru Nanak: Sikhism First Guru

his year, on November 4th, Sikhs around the world will celebrate the the birthday of the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak. We hear about his early life, his teachings, and his love for music. “Wherever he went, he sang,” Rajwant Singh tells us.  Rajwant Singh, founder and chair of the Sikh Council on Religion and Education


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