Mark Hertsgaard on BP Cover Up, Jamilah King on Obama Phones

This week on CounterSpin: A whistleblower report confirms what many already sensed: In the wake of the disastrous Gulf of Mexico oil spill, BP was more interested in appearances than in the health and safety of people or ecosystems. Journalist and author Mark Hertsgaard is the environmental correspondent for The Nation magazine. He’ll join us to discuss his article on the extent, and the impact, of BP’s cover up.

Also on CounterSpin today, the right has managed to manufacture a controversy over something they call an “Obama Phone.” The story is basically bogus, but it’s having real world effects nonetheless. We’ll talk to Jamilah King from Colorlines about that.


–“What BP Doesn’t Want You to Know About the 2010 Gulf Spill,” by Mark Hertsgaard (Newsweek, 4/22/13)

–‘Obamaphones’: A Case Study in How Race Perverts the Spending Debate, by Jamilah King (Colorlines, 4/8/13)

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