Neil deMause on Hurricane Harvey, Sarah Anderson on Corporate Tax Cuts

This week on CounterSpin: As the effects of Hurricane Harvey continue to devastate southeast Texas, media are bringing us plenty of dramatic footage and stories sympathetic to the plight of those affected. The question of how deeply they will go into the myriad aspects of the disaster—the role of climate change, certainly, but also the role of poverty and racism and the gutting of infrastructure budgets, the sort of things you explore when you want not just to report a disaster, but go some ways toward preventing future ones—well, the jury’s still out. We’ll talk about Harvey coverage with journalist Neil deMause, author of, most recently, The Brooklyn Wars.

Also on the show: Trump’s talking about changes to tax policy and, unsurprisingly, he’s found a way to present cuts to corporate taxes as being good for everyone: New jobs! Higher wages! What won’t cutting the social contributions of wealthy corporations bring us! Will the press see through it? We’ll talk about myths about corporate taxes with Sarah Anderson. She directs the Global Economy Program at the Institute for Policy Studies, co-edits the IPS web site, and is lead author of now 24 annual reports on CEO pay.

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