Picture of Oscar Wilde Part 2

written and produced in 1963 by Ruth (Hirschman) Seymour for KPFK Drama and Literature department. This is the second ofa two-part dramatization of the life of the poet and playwright, based on his letters, the -w’ritings of his wife, his friends, and his biographers. This episode deals with the trial and aftermath.
source materials used:
The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde is a book that contains over a thousand pages of letters written by Oscar Wilde. Wilde’s letters were first published as The Letters of Oscar Wilde in 1962, edited by Rupert Hart-Davis 1962

Famous trials Oscar Wilde by H. Montgomery Hyde 1962
Oscar Wilde and Myself, Lord Alfred Douglas, 1914
Oscar Wilde, his life and confessions, 1916
My Father Oscar Wilde Vyvyan Holland 1954
Oscar Wilde a present time appraisal by St. john Irvine, 1951
And the one man play, written and performed by . the importance of being Oscar by michea l Mac Liammo ir, 1960

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