President’s War Authorization, Mass Animal Die-Offs, and HSBC

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The Failure of Military Solutions Haunts President’s Push for New Congressional War Authorization

Interview with Matthew Hoh, senior fellow at the Center for International Policy, conducted by Scott Harris

warAtrocities committed by ISIS terrorists continue to be the focus of world attention. After a succession of beheadings of western hostages and the burning alive of a captured Jordanian fighter pilot, ISIS released a new video documenting the beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea in Libya. The next day, Egyptian fighter jets bombed ISIS targets in Libya that included militant training sites and weapons storage areas. ISIS now reportedly has a presence in nine nations beyond its area of operations in Syria and northern Iraq.  Story continues

Study Finds Accelerating Rate of Species Mass Die-Offs Around the Globe

Interview with Samuel Fey, post-doctoral fellow in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department at Yale University, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

dieoffsA new report published in the prestigious peer-reviewed journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, documents a likely future increase in mass mortality events; that is, the death in a short period of large numbers of a species, sometimes in the millions and on occasion wiping out an entire local species.  Story continues

Leaked Documents Reveal HSBC Bank’s Dirty Dealings with Tax Dodgers, Drug Traffickers and Arms Dealers

Interview with James S. Henry, senior fellow at Columbia University’s Center for Sustainable International Investment, conducted by Scott Harris

hsbcA team of journalists from 45 nations who investigated documents leaked by a former systems engineer working for banking giant HSBC’s Geneva, Switzerland branch, found HSBC managed secret bank accounts for criminals, drug traffickers, tax dodgers, politicians and celebrities. The documents, covering the period from 2005 to 2007 revealed, according to the Guardian newspaper, that HSBC “aggressively marketed schemes likely to enable wealthy clients to avoid European taxes” and “provided accounts to international criminals, corrupt businessmen and other high-risk individuals.”  Story continues

This week’s summary of under-reported news

Compiled by Bob Nixon



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