Shawnee Recognition and Native Mascots

In this edition of Moccasin Tracks we talk with poet, writer of issues of identity, Native Rights, professor of creative writing and much more Barney Bush.(Shawnee/Cayuga). He shares a poem and we also one of his former students, artist Jack Sabon (Athabascan) joins in the conversation. Barney continues to write and is writing poetry about the Elders and others who have passed to spirit this year. Barney is a member of the Vinyard Indian Settlement seeking state recognition and he tells us about the experience but shares how divided the community is. you can find Barney Bush on Facebook.
Part 2 is a conversation with Gali Sanchez about Native Mascots and Traditional Wabanaki Arts. Gali passed to spirit earlier this year and Barney mentions being at ceremony for him. Gali Sanchez, Elder of the NH Abenaki Family reminds us that spiritual relationships are important.

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