Teenager Talks About Growing Up Asexual

OutCasting youth participant Dante gives a riveting account about his growing awareness of feeling different in middle school, the depression that followed as he realized that a key part of himself seemed to be missing while all of his friends were reacting to each other in strange new ways that made little sense to him, his discovery of an online community for asexual people, his acceptance of himself as normal and the happiness that acceptance brought him, and his experiences in coming out as asexual to others. This powerful episode is a must for people who want to know more about asexuality and the feelings of being different, no matter what the cause.


OutCasting is produced by Media for the Public Good, Inc., outcastingmedia.org, formerly WDFH Westchester Public Radio in NY. Youth participants Dante, Michael, Joseph, Sydney, Jamie, and Andrew. Executive producer Marc Sophos.

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