The Brilliance Of Meister Eckhart, A Visionary For Our Times with Matthew Fox, Ph.D.

Meister Eckhart was a 13th and 14th century preacher and mystic, yet like the poet Rumi he remains relevant today. In his day, he challenged the vested power interest of patriarchy as well as of economic privilege, and he paid the price for it with a Papal condemnation. Meister Eckhart’s entire effort could be seen as healing that broken bridge from dogma to the inner experience of God and trying to restart Christianity into something experiential. He described the two aspects of Jesus. There is the historic Jesus who was an activist and challenged the Romans as well as the temple priests. And there is the Cosmic Christ described by Fox as “…that experience of unleashing the power of the image of God, the power of the Son and Daughter of God that we’re all called to participate in.” He also critiques our educational systems, “If we’re not teaching awe, we’re not teaching wisdom; we’re just teaching knowledge. All levels of school today are knowledge factories, not wisdom schools. We need wisdom to survive as a species. Wisdom is feminine around the world and in the Bible… This dimension of the feminine is missing in our patriarchal version of education, which is not only boring the young today but is also very expensive.”   (hosted by Justine Willis Toms)


Matthew Fox, Ph.D. is a priest and was a member of the Dominican Order of the Catholic Church for thirty-four years. He holds a doctorate in History and Theology of Spirituality and is a scholar in residence with the Academy for the Love of Learning in Santa Fe, New Mexico, as well as founder and president of Friends of Creation Spirituality.

Dr. Fox is the author of more than thirty books including:

To learn more about the work of Matthew Fox go to

Topics explored in this dialogue include:

  • Who is Meister Eckhart and why is he relevant today
  • How Eckhart fomented the peasant uprising which ultimately led to the Reformation
  • What was the Beguine Movement and how did it give women wider choices
  • How the term “Godhead” includes the feminine
  • What is the importance of “nothingness” in theology
  • What are the two wings of real Christianity: the historical Jesus and the Cosmic Christ
  • How the experience of a sweat lodge conjures up ancient memories that reside in our DNA
  • How we can experience God in nature
  • How our schools are boring our children and are only teaching information and not wisdom
  • How we need a new economy beyond the gross national product ideology

Host: Justine Willis Toms                   Interview Date: 8/12/2014           Program Number: 3517

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