Tina Vasquez on Child Separation, Mara Verheyden-Hilliard on Protest Suppression

This week on CounterSpin: The horror stories are real—about migrant children pulled from their parents at the US/Mexico border, sometimes locked in cages, sometimes given up for adoption while ostensibly waiting to be reunited with families the government had no plan for reuniting them with. But when corporate media tell the story through the White House’s cruel prism—even if they criticize it—they’re obscuring ideas and actors that are moving things in a more humane direction. We’ll talk about why it matters who you talk to with Tina Vasquez, senior immigration reporter at Rewire.News.

Also on the show: If it’s a new day, you’re right to ask if the Trump administration is coming for your rights in a new way, and the answer is yes. The White House is now—via the National Park Service—seeking to squelch public protest in Washington, DC, by, yes, charging for it. Because the important thing about Martin Luther King’s March on Washington is how much it cost to fix the lawn. It’s not hard to see through this anti-democratic ploy, but what does it take to fight it? We’ll hear from Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, executive director of the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund.

Plus Janine Jackson takes a quick look at CNN‘s coverage of the responsibility for climate change.

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