True Or False? Polygraphs In The Justice System and Our Final Interview with Richard Tripp of COPP

True Or False? Polygraphs In The Justice System

Lie detectors, Polygraphs are used by employers and police to try to determine the truthfulness of employees, witnesses and the accused. They are not admissible in court because they are not considered reliable and there are methods used to beat them. Should their use be discontinued or do they serve a real purpose? We will delve into these uestions and more today on Jaws of Justice Radio.

Host Craig Lubow will speak with local Lawyer David Graham about his study of the use of polygraphs and their ethicacy.

That Final Interview with Richard Tripp of COPP

Care Of Poor People was on the scene in Kansas City for about 35 years, saved countless lives and woke the conscience of countless people in Kansas City and beyond to give of their time, from their wallets and of their hearts to help those less fortunate than themselves. The driving force behind COPP was Richard Tripp, by his own admission a motivator that conned people into doing what was right.

Today we replay the last interview that Jeff Humfeld did with Richard about COPP and his hopes for a future he knew he would mostly likely not be here to see. Cancer did take Richard in March of this year but he had hope that COPP would survive and thrive, that a new group would put on his Winter and Spring events and a new generation would be inspired to create the newspaper he did not have time to bring to life. We have some promising news om at least part of that vision and the continuance of Richard’s Legacy.

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