Who Talks, Who Listens?

From the WINGS archives, excerpts from an often hilarious 1989 talk at New College in San Francisco by feminist linguist Dr. Dale Spender, based on her research in the UK and Australia into the conversational differences between women and men, and the hostile reactions of men and boys when attention is focused on women and girls rather than on themselves. Among her findings was that when a woman speaks more than 25-30 percent of the time in a conversation with a man, she is perceived as overbearing and dominating the conversation.

Spender’s doctorate in linguistics at the University of London became the 1980 book Man Made Language. Her other books include The Diary of Elizabeth Pepys; The Writing or the Sex?, Or, Why You Don’t Have to Read Women’s Writing to Know It’s No Good; Time and Tide Wait for No Man; and Women of Ideas and What Men Have Done To Them.

Recorded and produced by Frieda Werden.

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