Your Own Health and Fitness – Aromatic, Bitter, and Tonic Plants

It makes sense to look at the way nature works to decide what to do when things aren’t working for you. For centuries, humans and other animals have used plant medicine successfully without harm. So it makes sense to become familiar with how and when to do it. And there are so many ways. From eating plants to making tonics and tintures that protect us and heal us from the inside out. What a bounty! Today we look into the mechanisms at work from our nervous systems and G.I. systems to our immune and detoxification systems to see how we can interact with plants and receive their gifts. Plants are growing right now in your front yard, poking through the sidewalk, that are ready to relieve your stress and strengthen your native capacity for health. Today we spend the hour learning how to heal with aromatic, bitter, and tonic plants.

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